Monday, September 18, 2017

New Moon in Virgo: Processes & Procrastination?

If you are curious to see what your birth chart looks like and have it interpreted by Laurie Rae Rezanoff, 17+-year Astrologer, email her: myhouseofastrololgy 'at' (you know what to do with the 'at'!) or call: 587-437-3520 in Okotoks, AB Canada to book your appointment.

The next New Moon phase, beginning a new Moon cycle, begins Tuesday, September 19th at 11:30 p.m. MDT at the celestial coordinates of 27 degrees of Virgo 27'. Here we begin to process through our environments, our work space, and those untidy areas of the home (if you haven't already, considering the Sun entered Virgo back on August 22nd)! Each New Moon sees both the Moon and the Sun reside in the same place in the sky - hence why the Moon seems dark - the Sun's light outshines the Moon, making it seem to disappear from the night sky.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, our planet of communication, learning, thought processes and logical relations with the world. Virgo wants order, rules and can go the nth degree to PERFECT everything and everyone around - including themselves! This is the extreme Shadow of Virgo. Otherwise, orderliness and setting processes in order, via the Emotional Body, will be the themes of this Moon cycle.

Looking at the chart for this New Moon cycle, I see Venus at 00 degrees of Virgo, followed by Mars at 09 degrees of Virgo, Mercury (now Direct! yay!) at 12 degrees of Virgo, and the Sun/Moon as New Moon at 27 degrees of Virgo. This lineup within Virgo brings:

  • Venus - our Desire Body - begins a new cycle of how we perfect our heart's true Desires without killing ourselves! Jupiter traveled through Virgo from August 12, 2015 until September 11, 2016 expanding and making it quite LOUD how we either kept ourselves within strict boundaries of behaviour OR busted out of those restraints of old to find new processes (mind, office, home, you name it) to use that brought us closer to those Desires. Now Venus, that planet of love, peace, harmony, balance and beauty, brings a truer vibration to perfect WITH heart, rather than with Ego-mind. Heart vs. mind - can we create an AND here? Mix it up, create a good connection between what the Heart Desires and the Ego-Mind wishes to control?
  • Mars - our Action Body - here we take mindful action, keeping tabs on what's worked in the past and what has not. Just because everyone else is doing it, whatever IT is, doesn't mean IT will work for you! Discernment is required here. Think before leaping, yet don't overthink that you miss an opportunity that could bring you closer to those Desires. Mars can mean impatience, wanting to 'get going, eh?' now! Here's where Venus can help with some balance, ease and grace.
  • Mercury - our Thought Body - yes! Ruler of Virgo coming full-tilt in a Direct motion after all that Rx (Retrograde) nonsense (!) from July 25th until, well, today's New Moon! Each Mercury Rx timing gives us all a chance to have a rethink, redo, reschedule, and re-organization to come out with, most likely, a totally different direction to mindfully go into. Am I correct? It certainly has for me! Interestingly, Virgo rules the 6th House of daily work + the health of the physical body. Perhaps all those interesting ideas Jupiter brought up for you in 2015/2016 are now jelling into Desires + Action = Mindfully different now in 2017? Hhhmm...let me think on that for a bit...
  • And lastly - the Sun/Moon as the New Moon phase - the Sun rules our vitality and Soul Self, taking creative action with fun and play mixed in. The Moon rules our daily habits, our Emotional Body, and those funky Ego-Mind fears of change. The Moon cycle brings forth opportunity to change those daily habits that are getting out of hand, not healthy (haven't been for a while?) and is it TIME yet to make those changes for the better? The Moon rules Cancer and the 4th House of home, mothering/fathering, nurturing Self, then Others. How you were nurtured as a child will show up later in life in daily habits of how you now nurture yourself. Most women I know do for others before doing for Self, especially caregivers. With all of these planetary players here to assist us, perhaps it is TIME to make some much-needed changes in your life? Work-wise? Health-wise? Routines can grow old and comfortable like old runners and jeans. Do they still suit you? Is it time for something different that reflects who you are and where you're at, MINDFULLY, now? Think on this for a bit, and, BE Honest with yourself.
Virgo rules the following within the physical body (according to Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology):
  • Digestion and Assimilation -  heartburn/indigestion can mean you're way offside with your heart's true desires! The physical body is always sending you messages - are you listening?
  • Bowels and intestines - is it any wonder why folks do a cleanse this time of year? Clean out those pipes in time for the long, cold winter ahead. 
  • Constipation and Diarrhea - here fear from the Ego-mind comes into play. 'Scared shitless' or 'running away with fear' come to mind. No pun intended. Listen to the messages your physical body is sending you.
  • The Solar Plexus Chakra - didn't we just undergo a Venus-Moon Star Gate to let go of distortions within this chakra? I love how planetary cycles interact with one another, setting us up for another round of dealing with issues that we may have flunked out on or missed previously! Cool, eh? Read my previous post about the "Venus-Moon Star Gate in Leo" to review all the lessons this chakra brings us to deal with. Now you can see how perfectionism plays a role within the Solar Plexus Chakra re: the Ego-mind's need for control and power! Just saying...
Victoria Beach, Beacon Hill, 2017
Okay, back to the chart for this New Moon cycle, Mercury is exactly opposite Neptune, ruler of Pisces, within Pisces! Interesting that both planetary rulers are opposing each other here! Mucho energy to bring the themes of Virgo (see above) AND the themes of Pisces - illusion/delusion vs. reality? Plus emotional escapism/distraction/addictive behaviours, and that old fav - the Drama Triangle of role-playing: Victim and/or Rescue Me/Rescuer and/or Persecution/Bullying. Which is better? Reality or illusion/delusion? For you?

These themes will be loud and clear for all of us to see and hear, and heal the Shadow aspects of, if we choose to do so. On a higher note, Neptune helps us imagine and envision a better world for Self and Others, and brings forth a new reality based on higher spiritual mores. Drama is creative, colourful and magical! Yes please do NOT forget about the MAGIC everyone! BELIEVE and have FAITH that 'this too shall pass'! Do a Heart's Desire board - create a better daily habit routine - perfect that process at work, at play, at home - and remember to PLAY and have FUN while doing so!


Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff 2017

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